Teaching Mathematics through Story Books

Fun stories can help students learn and retain mathematics lessons. These books combine stories and maths in a way that is fun and engaging. The Teaching Mathematics Through Story Books series provides a range of maths activities for students to do based off 12 popular story books for their age group. Copiable resources are included to make using the activities easy. ORIGO Big Books build on children’s natural love for stories and learning to introduce and reinforce key mathematical concepts.

1. Teaching Mathematics Through Story Books -Book 1: Foundation to Year 1

Shop Now: Foundation to Year 1







2. Teaching Mathematics Through Story Books -Book 2: Years 2-3

Shop Now: Years 2-3







3. Teaching Mathematics Through Story Books -Book 3: Years 4-6

Shop Now: Years 4-6







4. ORIGO Big Book - Foundation: Shoes in Twos

Shop Now: Foundation: Shoes in Twos







5. ORIGO Big Book - Year 1: Addtron

Shop Now: Year 1: Addtron






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