Top 5 Resources for Developing Fine Motor Skills
Children develop at different rates, but fine motor skills are important for being able to complete many daily and school-related tasks including writing, drawing, brushing their teeth or playing musical instruments and tying their shoes. Here are five fantastic resources for helping children with their fine motor skills.
1. Craft Beads & Buttons
Beads and buttons give children the chance to grasp small objects and make jewellery and other crafts. They’re also great fun to play with!
Shop Now: Craft Beads and Buttons
2. Easy Grip 'Squeezy' Scissors
Suitable for both left- and right-handed use, these adapted scissors are ideal for helping children work on their scissor skills.
Shop Now: Easy Grip ‘Squeezy’ Scissors
3. Pencil Grip Plus
Pencil grips help children get their fingers in the correct position for holding and using their pencils.
4. Geo Pegs and Peg Board
This set includes 36 stackable giant pegs in 6 bright colours, 3 shapes, with 21cm square base board and 3 laces. It’s great for developing fine motor skills and early maths skills.
Shop Now: Geo Pegs and Peg Board
5. Pre-Writing Patterns
Pre-writing Patterns for 3 to 5 year old’s, presents a simple, systematic and fun approach for teaching the foundation skills that are necessary for fluent handwriting – enabling the smooth transition to writing alphabet letters.
Shop Now: Pre-writing Patterns
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