Top 5 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Resources

Many students struggle with fractions, decimals and percentages. But becoming proficient in this area is a valuable skill to have – after all, we use fractions, decimals and percentages in our everyday lives! We’ve put together five of our top selling resources for helping students improve in these fundamental maths skills.

1. Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Activity Pack

Brighten your classroom while helping students to readily and confidently swap between fractions, decimals and percentages. This colourful pack comes with three laminated charts, which you can use with whiteboard pens, and an activity sheet.

Shop Now: Activity Pack



2. Excel Basic Skills - Whole Numbers, Decimals, Percentages and Fractions

This book is designed for students in Year 7 who require extra attention in their Basic Number Skills. To be successful in mathematics, students must have a solid foundation in place for their high school maths to build on, including a firm understanding of basic number work without reliance on calculators. This book looks at the important number skills for Year 7 and provides clearly set out explanations and examples for both students and parents to follow.

Shop Now: Whole Numbers, Decimals, Percentages and Fractions




3. 50 Fractions Activity Cards

This set of double-sided activity cards is designed to teach fraction knowledge and understanding. The front side provides teaching objectives, resources used and procedure, while the other side provides visual examples. Math manipulatives used effectively throughout and presented in clear photography.

Shop Now: 50 Fractions Activity Cards




4. Striving to Improve - Mathematics: Fractions

Targeting students who are struggling to keep up with their peers, the activities in this book are designed to help students work at their own pace and consolidate their understanding with minimal input from the teacher. This book focuses on the Number and Algebra Strand of the Australian Curriculum for students who need further opportunity to reinforce these core areas in mathematics.

Shop Now: Striving to Improve - Mathematics: Fractions




5. Australian Curriculum Mathematics – Fractions

Based on Australian Curriculum Mathematics, this three-book series immerses students in aspects of fraction work and provides teachers with a comprehensive approach to teaching fractions. Each book contains a large variety of activities, teachers’ notes, blackline master worksheets and more.

Shop Now: Australian Curriculum Mathematics – Fractions






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