Top 5 Editing and Proofreading Resources

Being able to edit and proofread are important skills for students. Honing these abilities will allow them to write and communicate more effectively, first in the classroom and later out in the workplace and in their day-to-day life. Here are five of our top resources for developing your students’ editing and proofreading skills.

1. Editing Skills

Editing skills is a series of blackline masters that provide students with experience in proofreading and editing a variety of written texts. Through the lessons in these four books, students will extend their knowledge of grammatical terms and understanding.

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2. Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading and Editing is a series of three blackline masters written to provide children with experience in proofreading and editing written text. Content is presented in an engaging and humorous way, encouraging students to become proficient in correcting punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors.

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3. Editing Cards

You can use this set of editing cards to support writing and to allow quick access to the spelling patterns of high-frequency words. These handy cards encourage are a good stepping-stone into the use of dictionaries, encouraging independent editing skills.

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4. Dictionary Skills

Dictionary Skills is a series of three blackline masters that teaches young learners the essential skill of using a dictionary effectively. The activities in these books develop a wide range of skills to enable students to become proficient dictionary users.

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5. Teach Editing

Teach Editing is a three-book blackline master series, with each book broken into two major areas: Punctuation and Spelling; and Literary Quality. The activities take students back to basics to formalise their use of grammar and develop their writing skills, while checklists are included at the back of each section to provide you with a ready-to-use assessment record.

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