Time For Phonics

The Time for Phonics Series has been developed from the guildelines of the English and Reading curriculum. It has been created by an experienced teacher/author who has written many other educational resources for young children. Each book has a wealth of graded activities with colour illustrations to make the process more meaningful and enjoyable for children. As activities in each book are completed, the child will develop proficient word attack and literacy skills. There is also a scope for revision built into each book, which will assist in the learning process. Assessment tasks are included for diagnostic purposes.

Time For Phonics - Book 1

Time For Phonics - Book 1


Time For Phonics - Book 2

Time For Phonics - Book 2


Time For Phonics - Book 3

Time For Phonics - Book 3


Time For Phonics - Book 4

Time For Phonics - Book 4
