Maths Plus NSW Syllabus Australian Curriculum Edition - Student Books
Maths Plus is a whole-school (Foundation - Year 6) maths program for the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. The series aims to:
- Provide spiralling content where concepts are explored, which are then built on throughout the year and across year levels. This helps learners make connections over time, supporting recall and fluency.
- Offer varied learning experiences such as interactive concept exploration, learning, practice and consolidation activities, problem solving tasks, extra support and extension activities, and mentals and homework activities.
- Enable tracking and reviewing of student learning through post-test assessment.
Assessment Books (bundled with Student Books) provide post-assessment tests that are simple to use and quick to administer, and allow teachers to track and review student learning.
Practice, Master, Assess
- Spiralling helps Learners make connections over time, which creates more robust pathways for recalling information. Maths Plus follows a spiral approach, allowing teachers and students to build on, and revisit, content over time to consolidate Learning and increase fluency.
New South Wales Syllabus (ACE) Student Book + Assessment Book Value Packs
- Student activity pages are colour-coded to match the three Australian Curriculum: Mathematics content strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
- Australian Curriculum: Mathematics content descriptions, proficiency strands and cross-curriculum area references included at the base of every student activity page.
- Four diagnostic term reviews (Years 1–6) to assess concepts and skills.
- Investigation units to allow students to apply their knowledge and show their understanding.
See below the Foundation to Year 6 Maths Plus New South Wales Syllabus Edition - Student and Assessment Book Value Packs. Also available are editions for the Australian Curriculum and Victorian Curriculum.
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