Oxford Literacy Guided Reading - Levels 18-23

Extending Stage

Students reading Oxford Literacy texts from Levels 18-23 are described as reading at the "Extending" stage of the Oxford Literacy reading program. Typically readers at this level are required to:

  • Select appropriate texts and text types to match purpose (e.g. "I need to find some facts about Australian spiders.")
  • Read fluently, integrating information from multiple sources, including knowing when to seek and clarify meaning from visual communicators
  • Read silently but if text becomes difficult will read aloud
  • Use dictionaries and glossaries to check meaning and assist with challenging words
  • Predict what the text might contain and what may happen
  • Make connections to background knowledge to assist with comprehension of new information and vocabulary
  • Generate and answer questions as reading to clarify meaning, both literal and inferred
  • Find the main idea to determine what is important and assist to summarise reading
  • Attend to elaborated episodes and events
  • Recognise and comprehend some literary language (e.g. idioms, similes)
  • Attend to punctuation and sentence structure to determine tone of text

Extending Stage Information

Student Texts

The Oxford Literacy student text versions include:

  • a range of fiction and non-fiction titles
  • non-fiction titles written for Australian Curriculum: English, History, Science and Mathematics, making reading even more meaningful and relevant (levels 1-23)
  • a range of fonts and visual devices, all with appropriate support
  • a language focus that corresponds to both the Oxford Wordlist and the Oxford Wordlist Plus
  • recurring Oxford Literacy characters

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